Saturday 20 April 2013

Bull & Gate: Heel; Drilling Spree & Lilygun

Ok so haven't done this in a while and suppose it's time I really got back into it so here goes...

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Last ever gig at the Bull & Gate in Kentish Town. I'm saddened that I only discovered the venue on it's closing night as it was a beautiful venue with some of the best lighting I have found in a small club...

First up was Heel & whilst they were good musically and quite talented their music wasn't my cup of tea and I couldn't help wondering how they had ended up on the bill... a bit too pop for the hard rock that was to follow.

 Next up was Drilling Spree; a band whom I have had the pleasure of shooting many several times before, I first saw them at Boston Music Lounge and was shocked to hear that it was only their second gig together. They are quite tight as a unit and very accomplished musicians. Probably my favourite unsigned Heavy Metal band at the moment

Last up was Lilygun whom I've only seen once before and was floored then by their sound; their music has been likened to a shower of petals and bullets and I'd have to agree with that; there is plenty of light and dark shades in their music.

A big thank you to all the bands for an entertaining evening; hope to catch you all again at a gig soon

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