Friday 26 August 2011

Release the Bats

I had the pleasure of photographing Release the Bats this week a local "Horror Rock" band as they played a midweek gig at the Wilmington Arms. Having seen them before at BarFly I was interested to see how much, if any, different their stage presence would be with less of a crowd & I wasn't disappointed; they were as electric with the 30 odd people in this pub as the 200+ people at Barfly. Their song "Make you my baby" is still ringing in my ears two days later, got some great riffs and a really singable chorus (Check out the awesome music vid here)
I look forward to seeing where Release the Bats goes in the future, they appear to already be making waves in the music world and I think that those waves may only get bigger.
Christopher Lumsdon lead signer for Release the Bats

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Deadly Cicus Fire

On Saturday I had the pleasure of seeing Deadly Circus Fire at the Boston Music Hall in Tufnell Park. I'd met their guitarist a couple of weeks earlier at the gig I shot for The Genies. And knew then, from a photo on Saverio's iPhone that I would probably like these guys and their music. I wasn't disappointed. Starting off the show Saverio Addario (Guitar), Mike Enort (Bass) and Paul Igoe (Drums) come on stage and play a pretty good tune which ends with Saverio smashing the guitar to splinters (Speaking to him earlier I was prepared for this as I was informed that this is how they start every show) They are then joined on stage by Adam Grant (Vocals) and when he opened his mouth I literally had shivers running down my spine, Adam has a powerful voice,  (not really surprising considering, according to the Bio on the site, his fathers a voice artist.) and he easily transitions the harsh to the smooth vocals.I know I shoot better when I'm enjoying the music and boy did I enjoy DCF I could only have wished for better lighting, the stage lights were situated directly above the edge of the stage with the net result being that for 90% of the time Adam was out of the direct light... not the best for shooting but I wasn't about to let that keep me from getting what I think are some amazing photos.
This photo is one of the few I managed to catch with all the of the guys in the lights, I think the spooky feel really fits their image
I look forward to seeing them again in the near future

Adam Grant ~ Vocals
Save Addario ~ Guitars
Mike Enort ~ Bass Guitar/ Vocals

Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Genies

About two weeks ago I was contacted by Jimi Yates, the Keyboardist/BGV for the Genies saying he'd seen my work online and that he would like to meet up with me to discuss the possibility of me photographing his band. How could I refuse, so met up with him on the Saturday & then the rest of the band on the Wednesday... anyway to cut things short I attended their first gig in London last night. It was at Barfly in Camden; great little venue just down the road from Chalk Farm Tube station. Considering it was their first gig together (The Genies have been around for a while but have some new members) they were pretty tight and the music is catchy. I have a feeling these guys are going to go very far; VERY quickly.
You can hear a couple of their songs on their Facebook Page
And see more photos from the gig on Mine