Tuesday 23 August 2011

Deadly Cicus Fire

On Saturday I had the pleasure of seeing Deadly Circus Fire at the Boston Music Hall in Tufnell Park. I'd met their guitarist a couple of weeks earlier at the gig I shot for The Genies. And knew then, from a photo on Saverio's iPhone that I would probably like these guys and their music. I wasn't disappointed. Starting off the show Saverio Addario (Guitar), Mike Enort (Bass) and Paul Igoe (Drums) come on stage and play a pretty good tune which ends with Saverio smashing the guitar to splinters (Speaking to him earlier I was prepared for this as I was informed that this is how they start every show) They are then joined on stage by Adam Grant (Vocals) and when he opened his mouth I literally had shivers running down my spine, Adam has a powerful voice,  (not really surprising considering, according to the Bio on the site, his fathers a voice artist.) and he easily transitions the harsh to the smooth vocals.I know I shoot better when I'm enjoying the music and boy did I enjoy DCF I could only have wished for better lighting, the stage lights were situated directly above the edge of the stage with the net result being that for 90% of the time Adam was out of the direct light... not the best for shooting but I wasn't about to let that keep me from getting what I think are some amazing photos.
This photo is one of the few I managed to catch with all the of the guys in the lights, I think the spooky feel really fits their image
I look forward to seeing them again in the near future

Adam Grant ~ Vocals
Save Addario ~ Guitars
Mike Enort ~ Bass Guitar/ Vocals

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