Friday 26 August 2011

Release the Bats

I had the pleasure of photographing Release the Bats this week a local "Horror Rock" band as they played a midweek gig at the Wilmington Arms. Having seen them before at BarFly I was interested to see how much, if any, different their stage presence would be with less of a crowd & I wasn't disappointed; they were as electric with the 30 odd people in this pub as the 200+ people at Barfly. Their song "Make you my baby" is still ringing in my ears two days later, got some great riffs and a really singable chorus (Check out the awesome music vid here)
I look forward to seeing where Release the Bats goes in the future, they appear to already be making waves in the music world and I think that those waves may only get bigger.
Christopher Lumsdon lead signer for Release the Bats

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